It has been slightly over two months since I set foot at Chirunga. Those who like to be overly proud of this place like to call it the college God loved most. Since I choose to believe that I am still new to this place, I do not fully appreciate the truth of this statement.

Overlooking Zomba Mountain most of my afternoons, the view I get is so refreshing. One of the things I have come to deeply appreciate is the academic environment feeling.

The scenery is exceptional and everything just feels woven together.
Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi

My writing today is in appreciation of the diversity and oneness that is openly exhibited here. The student’s community is composed of people from different walks of life, tribes and regions of the world. The exception is that, Chirunga is also arguably the largest college that offers higher education to people with disabilities such as the blind, the deaf and those who cannot walk on their own.

However, this being the case, once you get here, you just get assimilated into the culture. If you meet a blind fellow struggling to locate a place or having trouble moving around, you just assume that responsibility and act in love.

The Great Hall, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi
As we are meant to believe that a lot of mischief happens here, people at Chanco are loving despite these happenings which I am not in a position to dispel.

Two weeks or so ago, some fellows were expelled from school for acting disorderly. The school had installed new security lighting shortly after the semester had started. But for these two folks, their inner beings told them to smash each one of the numerous lights that lit the corridors.

Another was expelled after going to a ladies’ hostel where he demanded for money for his supper, after being denied the same, he assaulted one of them. Now he has begun a new chapter in his life.

All this talking, writing, storytelling is just going round a circle expecting to find an end.

The truth of the matter is that I wanted to talk about “Ze Kwaya”.

These fellows are so talented; the best song composers you will ever find. If companies are looking to hire innovative individuals, “Ze Kwaya” is a pool of such innovation.

They are so hardworking; imagine how they sang from Zomba to Lilongwe on a sports trip without getting tired. 

The choir master is a mysterious soul, for where the obscenities come from, you never know, until you realise it’s that song from your church clothed in new lyrics.

I want to stay here for some more time. Each day is a new day, and I am loving the accounts I am keeping. Soon, I will start presenting them in an orderly manner, at least once a month. They will tackle politics, humour, religion and whatever humans can read.

To realise my dream of staying here for a long time, I am going to read and read some more, and I will not go to Chikanda of course.

*Ze Kwaya is an informal group of students who sing uncontrollably at student gatherings, sports trips and many other occasions. Their songs are usually obscene songs you would never imagine.


Richard Kamwezi said…
Wayamba bwino. Keep it up.
Daniel Sato said…
Thank you. Will try to write more.

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