It has been slightly over two months since I set foot at Chirunga. Those who like to be overly proud of this place like to call it the college God loved most. Since I choose to believe that I am still new to this place, I do not fully appreciate the truth of this statement. Overlooking Zomba Mountain most of my afternoons, the view I get is so refreshing. One of the things I have come to deeply appreciate is the academic environment feeling. The scenery is exceptional and everything just feels woven together. Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi My writing today is in appreciation of the diversity and oneness that is openly exhibited here. The student’s community is composed of people from different walks of life, tribes and regions of the world. The exception is that, Chirunga is also arguably the largest college that offers higher education to people with disabilities such as the blind, the deaf and those who cannot walk on their own. However, this being the case...